Växt- och djurliv:
E. de Juana (utgivare), Where to Watch Birds in Spain (1994);
O. Polunin & B.E. Smythies, Flowers of South-West Europe, a Field Guide (2:a upplagan 1988);
Eric Robins, Spain’s Wildlife (1989).
J.M. McNair, Education for a Changing Spain (1984).
L. Díaz, La radio en España 1923–1993 (1992);
K. Maxwell, The Press and the Rebirth of Iberian Democrazy (1983);
Paul Julian Smith, Television in Spain: From Franco to Almodóvar (2006).
Bok- och förlagsväsen:
P. Bahigas, El libro español (1962);
S. Taubert (utgivare), The Book Trade of the World 1: Europe and International Section (1972).
Kjell A. Johansson, Spansk och katalansk prosa under diktatur och demokrati (1993);
M. Pastor-López, Modern spansk litteratur (1960).
Drama och teater:
G. Torrente Ballester, Teatro español contemporáneo (2:a upplagan 1968);
Edward M. Wilson & D. Moir, The Golden Age: Drama 1492–1700 (1971).
V. Higginbotham, Spanish Film under Franco (1987);
J. Hopewell, Out of the Past: Spanish Cinema after Franco (1986);
Ronald Schwartz, Spanish Film Directors (1950–1985) (1986);
Ann Davies (utgivare), Spain on Screen: Developments in Contemporary Spanish Cinema (2011).
G. Kubler, Art and Architechture in Spain and Portugal and their American Dominions 1500 to 1800 (1959);
B. Särnstedt, Spansk egen-art (23 aktuella konstnärer i svenskt urval), utst.kat. Liljevalchs konsthall (1983).
Gilbert Chase, The Music of Spain (2:a upplagan 1959);
P. López de Osaba (utgivare), Historia de la música española 1–7 (1983–85).
J.C. Baroja, Los pueblos de Es­paña 1: Ensayo de etnología (1946);
F. Carreras y Candi, Folklore y costumbres de España 1–3 (1931–33;
faksimiluppl. 1988).
A. Arribas, The Iberians (1964);
Richard Harrison, Spain at the Dawn of History (1988);
Patricia Phillips, Early Farmers of West Mediterranean Europe (1975);
H. Schubart, Die Kultur der Bronzezeit im Südwesten der iberischen Halbinsel (1975).
S. Balfour & P. Preston (utgivare), Spain and the Great Powers in the Twentieth Century (1999);
G. Brenan, The Spanish Labyrinth (1960);
R. Carr, Modern Spain 1875–1980 (1980);
R. Carr & J.F. Fusi, Spain: Dictatorship to Democracy (1970);
Roger Collins, Early Medieval Spain (1983);
D. Conversi, The Basques, the Catalans and Spain: Alternative Routes to Nationalist Mobilisation (1997);
John H. Elliott, Imperial Spain: 1469–1716 (2:a upplagan 1990);
R.J. Harrison & David Corkill, Spain: A Modern European Economy (2004);
H. Kamen, Philip of Spain (1997);
S.J. Keay, Roman Spain (1988);
A. MacKay, Spain in the Middle Ages (1977);
V.B. Mann m.fl. (utgivare), Convivencia: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain (1992);
W. Montgomery Watt, Pierre Chachia, A History of Islamic Spain (2011);
P. Preston, A Concise History of the Spanish Civil War (1996);
P. Preston, Franco: A Biography (1993);
F.J. Romero-Salvadó, Twentieth-Century Spain (1999);
N. Shachar, Den gåtfulla passionen: Essäer om den spanska världen (2:a upplagan 1998);
E. Wretman & S.I. Olofsson, Spaniens historia (3:e upplagan 1969).
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