J.L. Ackrill, Aristotle the Philosopher ( 1981);
I. Düring, Aristoteles ( 1966);
W.K.C. Guthrie, ”Aristotle, an Encounter”, A History of Greek Philosophy 6 ( 1981);
W. Jaeger, Aristoteles ( 1923);
J.Lukasiewicz, Aristotle’s Syllogistics from the Standpoint of Modern Formal Logic ( 1957);
J. Moreau, Aristote et son école ( 1962);
W.D. Ross, Aristotle (4:e upplagan 1945);
F. Solmsen, Aristotle’s System of the Physical World ( 1960);
A. Stigen, Aristoteliske grundbegreber ( 1974);
A. Stigen, Aristoteles: en innføring ( 1977).
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Nationalencyklopedin, Litteraturanvisning. http://www.ne.se/uppslagsverk/encyklopedi/lång/aristoteles/litteraturanvisning