D.N. Coury & F. Pilipp, The Works of Peter Handke: International Perspectives (2005);
M. Durzak, Peter Handke und die deutsche Gegenwartsliteratur (1982);
R. Fellinger, Peter Handke (tyska, 1985);
A. Klatzkin, Peter Handke: The First Five Plays (1979);
J. Klinkowitz, Peter Handke and the Postmodern Transformation (1983);
G. Pichler, Peter Handke: Eine Biographie (2002);
R.G. Renner, Peter Handke (tyska, 1985);
J. Schlueter, The Plays and Novels of Peter Handke (1981).
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Nationalencyklopedin, Litteraturanvisning. http://www.ne.se/uppslagsverk/encyklopedi/lång/peter-handke/litteraturanvisning