Växt- och djurliv:

K.H. Rechinger (utgivare), Flora Iranica 1– (1963–).

Befolkning och etnografi:

L. Beck, The Qashgai of Iran,(1986);
H. Bäckman (utgivare), Inte bara Shi’a: En bok om Iran och dess minoriteter (1992);
M. Fazlhashemi, Exemplets makt. Föreställningar om Europa/Väst i Iran 1850-1980 (1999);
M. Fazlhashemi, Tro eller förnuft i politisk islam (2011);
G. Garthwaite, Khans and Shahs: A Documentary Analysis of the Bakhtiyari in Iran (1983);
N. Keddie (utgivare), Religion and Politics in Iran (1983);
R. Tapper, Pasture and Politics: Economics, Conflict and Ritual among Shahsevan Nomads of Northwestern Iran (1979).


P.J. Chelkowski (utgivare), Taūzieh: Ritual and Drama in Iran (1979);
G. Gunner & E. Lindberg (utgivare), Längtan till Ararat (1985);
Ingmar Karlsson, Korset och halvmånen (1991);
N.R. Keddie (utgivare), Religion and Politics in Iran (1983).


B. Alavi, Geschichte und Entwicklung der modernen persischen Literatur (1964);
A.J. Arberry, Classical Persian literature (1958);
J. Asmussen, ”Den iranska litteraturen”, Litteraturens världshistoria 2 (1971);
E.G. Browne, A literary history of Persia (1–4;
1902–24 etc.);
G. Morrison (utgivare), History of Persian Literature from the Beginning of the Islamic period to the Present Day (1981);
J. Rypka (utgivare), History of Iranian literture (1968);
B. Utas ”Persisk litteratur”, i S. Wikander (utgivare), Utomeuropeisk litteratur (1966).


Proshot Kalami, Iran’s Reel Spectre: The Cinematic Story of a Nation (2013);
Hamid Naficy, A Social History of Iranian Cinema 1–4 (2011–12).


Basil Gray, Persian Painting (1947);
A.U. Pope (utgivare), A Survey of Persian Art from Prehistoric Times to the Present 1–6 (1938–39);
E. Porada, Ancient Iran: The Art of Pre-Islamic Times (1965);
D. Talbot Rice, Islamic Art (1965).


R. Ettinghausen & O. Grabar, The Art and Architecture of Islam 650–1250 (1987);
J. Hoag, Islamic Architecture (1987);
A.U. Pope, Persian Architecture (1969);
H. Stierlin, L’Iran des bâtisseurs: 2500 ans d’architecture (1972).


C. Burney, From Village to Empire (1977);
Frank Hole m. fl., The Prehistory and Human Ecology of the Deh Luran Plain (1969);
C.C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, ”The Proto-Elamites and the Iranian Plateau”, Antiquity 1978;
Philip E.L. Smith, ”An Interim Report on Ganj Dareh Tepe, Iran”, American Journal of Archaeology (1978);
Philip E.L. Smith, Palaeolithic Archaeology in Iran (1986);
M. Tosi (utgivare), Prehistoric Sistan I (1983).

Historia före islam:

H. Bailey m.fl. (utgivare), The Cambridge History of Iran 1– (1968–);
J.M. Cook, The Persian Empire (1983);
R.N. Frye, The History of Ancient Iran (1984);
G. Herrmann, The Iranian Revival (1977);
A.T. Olmstead, History of the Persian Empire (1948, nytryck 1978).

Historia efter 651:

S.A. Arjomand, The Turban for the Crown: The Islamic Revolution in Iran (1988);
S. Bakhash, The Reign of the Ayatollahs: Iran and the Islamic Revolution (2:a upplagan 1990);
Hamid Dabashi, Iran: A People Interrupted (2007);
A. Bayat, Workers and Revolution in Iran (1987);
A. Ehteshami, After Khomeini: The Iranian Second Republic (1995);
Samih K. Farsoun (utgivare), Iran: Political Culture in the Islamic Republic (1992);
N. Frye m.fl. (utgivare), The Cambridge History of Iran 4–7 (1975–91);
C. Ghani, Iran and the Rise of Reza Shah: From Qajar Collapse to Pahlavi Power (1998);
Ramin Jahanbegloo, Iran: Between Tradition and Modernity (2004);
A. Lambton, Landlord and Peasant in Persia (1953);
G. Lenczowski (utgivare), Iran under the Pahlavis (1978);
V. Martin, Islam and Modernism: The Iranian Revolution of 1906 (1989);
R.K. Ramazani, Revolutionary Iran (1988);
R. Savory, Iran Under the Safavids (1980).
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Nationalencyklopedin, Litteraturanvisning. http://www.ne.se/uppslagsverk/encyklopedi/lång/iran/litteraturanvisning