P. Arias & M. Hirmer, Tausend Jahre griechische Vasenkunst (1960);
J. Boardman, Athenian Black Figure Vases (1974);
J. Boardman, Athenian Red Figure Vases: the Archaic Period (1975);
J. Boardman, Greek Sculpture: the Archaic Period (1978);
J. Boardman, Greek Scupture: the Classical Period (1985);
S. Brunnsåker, Aspekter på grekisk konst 1–2 (1973);
V.J. Bruno, Form and Colour in Greek Painting (1977);
R.M. Cook, Greek Painted Pottery (2:a upplagan 1972);
W. Fuchs, Die Skulptur der Griechen (3:e upplagan 1983);
E. Kjellberg & G. Säflund, Grekisk och romersk konst (4:e upplagan 1978);
J.J. Pollitt, Art in the Hellenistic Age (1986);
G.M.A. Richter, A Handbook of Greek Art (9:e upplagan 1987);
M. Robertson, A History of Greek Art (1975);
M. Robertson, Greek Painting (1959);
K. Schefold, Die Griechen und ihre Nachbarn (1967);
A. Stewart, Greek Sculpture (1990).
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